Our working method

At Tomahawk, as a performance marketing agency, we are fully committed to one goal: to double the market share of web shops, by pushing boundaries.

Our successful collaborations come about through continuous exchange of knowledge between e-commerce entrepreneurs and our agency. This makes Tomahawk the ideal partner during all growth phases of webshops.



We begin with a comprehensive orientation phase to assess the current condition of the web shop. We investigate marketing activities and we identify opportunities for optimizations. Here we pay extra attention to measurability and the use of the collected data.

Evaluation metrics such as ROAS, POAS, as well as other tracking steps we include in this study. We then analyze the status of the web shop in terms of SEA, SEO and the product feed.

In doing so, we check the alignment of the webshop's product offering with the countries in which the shop operates. With this information, we are ready for the next phase: strategy.



After gaining insight into how the webshop is doing now, together we determine achievable goals for the future, such as determining which products we want to boost sales of.

We decide what is a tactical moment to implement new solutions. Based on our expertise and the knowledge we have gathered about the webshop, we check whether the ratio between investment and return is correct.

In doing so, we examine where the growth opportunities are and set new goals.



With the strategy in mind, we make everything ready for sustainable growth of your webshop. We waterproof the tracking and perfect new campaigns.

Once the campaigns are live, we monitor them closely and we realize as many impressions as possible. This is the time to achieve the objectives.

With promising results, we increase the budget until we get the most out of the market, while staying within the targets we have agreed with the webshop.



During this phase, Tomahawk remains proactive and spars with Web site owners on next steps.

Of course, we have not lost sight of the end goal: to double the market share of e-commerce companies by pushing boundaries. Will we expand the product range or explore new markets abroad?

We are making good use of momentum and continue to anticipate movement in the market.

Are we a match?

Tomahawk's ideal customer:


Tomahawk | Online marketing Nijmegen

Tools & platforms

This makes us different

Our focal points


International growth starts at Tomahawk.


We translate data into insight & analysis.


Fast and always accessible

Over 150 webshops have gone before you


Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.