Webshop scaling

At Tomahawk, we bring e-commerce businesses to the very highest standard.

Webshop scaling:
how it works

Boost your business

Scaling up your webshop? Then it is important that it meets a number of conditions. We weigh these conditions by means of webshop scaling. Tomahawk analyzes the possibilities for growth, develops a strategic plan and immediately takes care of the implementation. Our goal? To ensure that ambitious e-commerce entrepreneurs grow their business in the Netherlands and abroad.

This makes us different

Our focal points


International growth starts at Tomahawk.


We translate data into insight & analysis.


Fast and always accessible

Crossborder scaling

Seize all growth opportunities across borders

To advise e-commerce shops on this, our specialists go through the shop's purchase funnel from start to finish. Where are there still opportunities to scale the shop in the most efficient way?

With our both Dutch- and German-speaking online marketers, we serve various markets in Europe. We offer cost analyses and growth potential analyses for entrepreneurs, among other things.

Marketing at the highest level

Tomahawk is a premier partner of Google, making it one of the top 3% best online marketing agencies in the Netherlands. This is more than just a fancy title. It is our guarantee of quality and a reminder that we do not get this privileged position, but continue to earn it.

Our specialists are therefore constantly trained. They have direct access to closed betas:
new features within Google Ads that have not yet been rolled out to all advertisers.



By tailoring the SEA structure, search terms and channels to potential customers, SEA sales in DE and NL grew by 250% and 400%, respectively.


Garmundo asked our help in realizing increased sales through the Dutch and German web shops. In this growth, it was important to take into account the strong seasonality that Garmundo faces. It was also a challenge to pour different search terms for a plant into an effective SEA structure.


The SEA strategy and associated optimizations have led to a nice increase in sales in both the Netherlandsandn Germany. In the peak period (spring 2020) the turnover of the German SEA campaigns increased by no less than 250% 400%.

Over 150 webshops have gone before you


Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.