Tomahawk case study:

Over 1000% more clicks on Labbé's hero




more clicks


customer experience

For German craft shop Labbé, the click rate increased over 1000% after adapting the hero to the target audience needs.

About Labbé

Labbé is a German family business of over 50 years and focuses on promoting creativity in children. They do this by offering craft products, materialsandn ideas. The webshop is visited daily by an average of 2,400 visitors.


We investigated whether the beautiful hero image, which fills a large part of the homepage, had enough interaction with the shop visitor. What did we find out? Only 1% of the shop visitors clicked on the hero, so we devised a plan to increase this share.


To generate more clicks on the hero, it needed to better match the needs of the target audience. By placing a poll on the homepage, we discovered what visitors were looking for. The open-ended question "What is the purpose of your visit to our website?" yielded over 100 usable responses. About 70% had a clear purpose and 30% were looking for inspiration. These answers also allowed us to identify four different target groups.


After analyzing the poll results, we went to work on a new hero based on these results. A hero that gives attention to the different types of visitors and the purpose of the visit. The new hero realized a growth in click percentage of over 1000%. Our approach fits well with Labbé's vision:

Customer Experience

"Our strategy doesn't just say that we want to excel at creating good products. It also includes solving customer problems through user experience optimization. The adaptation of our homepage fits perfectly with this. We approach improving the user experience step by step - testing, prototyping and more importantly, measuringandn evaluating. But what we also always do is remind ourselves to ask the right questions, both internallanden to our customers."
Jonas Labbé


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Every day we help e-commerce companies grow abroad and domestically without requiring an immediate sky-high budget. This is because we believe in incremental growth. This often starts with optimizing existing campaignsandn picking the low-hanging fruit. Can SEA do the most for your e-commerce shop? Then that's where we start. That way we prove ourselveanden with those results we automatically create room to invest in other services.

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