Tomahawk Blog

Improve your quality score with these 15 tips

Do the keywords in your Google Ads campaigns perfectly match your visitors' expectations? Great! You'll see that reflected in your quality score. And we all know: the higher your quality score, the less you pay for a click. In addition, the quality score is one of the determining factors for your ad position. How all this is calculated? You only need to remember two formulas for that:

Quality score (kw-score)

Ad Rank (ad position)

So improving your quality score is a no-brainer. But how do you do it? Sit back and discover exactly how you can improve that Google Ads score!

Our 15 tips

1. Put the exact keyword in the header

If you bid on the keyword "Buy Tomahawk T-shirt," but use "Buy a Tomahawk T-shirt" in the header of your ad, chances are you're missing out on 1 or 2 kw points. Try to avoid this! And while you're at it, put the keyword right at the beginning, too.

2. Use exact keywords

Capitalizing on the previous tip: exact keywords generally get a higher kw score than broader keywords. So improving your quality score is already possible by converting a broad search term into an exact one in your ads. Give it a try!

3. Check your CTR at the ad and keyword level.

Keywords and ads with a high CTR give better QR scores. There is no single answer to the question "what is a good CTR". A CTR of 5% (100 impressions, 5 clicks), is fine for an ad in position 8, but bad for an ad in position 1. In short, well check those CTRs!

4. Check the relevance of your keyword

Keywords come with a user intent. A search like "How does the stock market work" has no commercial user intent, but is about information-gathering. The average CTR on such keywords in ads is always low. You can bid on them, but raking in a high CTR with them is difficult.

5. Look at the competition on your keyword

Some keywords are advertised more than others. If you deliver moderately optimized campaigns while other advertisers have perfectly optimized accounts, your kw-score will be lower. Use this knowledge to your advantage and get that better kw-score!

6. Bid on branded search terms

Bidding on your own brand name remains tricky business. But the fact remains: your own brand name as a keyword simply often has a high CTR. Are there campaigns running in your account with very high CTRs? Then it is just possible that the CTR score on the account level will increase and thus eventually also on non-branded keywords.

7. Use ad extensions

Advertising extensions: are you using them already? This is the question we asked you in our previous blog post. If you want to boost your CTR, put them to use! Sitelinks, the highlight extension, call extension, location extension, make use of them if they are relevant for your shop! Free extra ad space is always a nice bonus.

8. Adding reviews helps

Collect reviews on Google-selected websites, make sure you meet the minimum requirements and watch as Google Ads picks up seller reviews automatically! The orange stars stand out nicely in your ad. This will also boost your CTRandn positively influence your QR score.

9. Relax, achieving a higher CTR just takes time

Don't go like crazy for several days increasing the average CPC. You may end up in a top position which increases CTR, but it's a myth that higher position has an impact on the CTR score. So be patient, those higher CTRs will come.

10. Place at least three ads per ad group.

If you write multiple ads per ad group, this will be rewarded by Google Ads. After some time you will see which ad performs best. Leave the 'winner' on, put the 'loser' on pause and then write a new variant!

11. Optimize your URL

The URL your ad links to affects the kw score. Provide search engine friendly URLs with the exact keyword. So no, but

12. A shorter loading speed is always better

Everything has to be fast, fast, fast. More than half of your visitors drop out when the loading time exceeds 3 seconds. Google Ads checks your load time and when you check it, you receive immediate points of improvement. Implement theseandn you will be rewarded in kw-score. Not only that: a fast site also converts faster.

13. Provide the right content

It probably goes without saying, but the url you refer to in the ad must actually be about the keyword you are bidding on. Give visitors what they expect! And make sure your content is SEO optimized. Headers, title tags, keywords - make sure the keyword is well incorporated.

14. The stronger your account, the better

Although not confirmed by Google, experience shows that a strong Google Ads account contributes to a better kw-score. When you advertise strongly in Google Ads for a long time, your score is higher than that of a new account. That also means that after years of mediocre advertising, creating a new account is a good idea!

15. Keep optimizing and Google Ads rewards

Optimizing the kw score at the keyword level, ensures that your ad position increases without increasing the maximum CPC. Over time, you can even lower your maximum CPC so that average CPCs decrease. This means more clicks from the same budget so your overall ad costs decrease!

Get in touch

Improving quality score and thus saving costs is daily business for us. Contact usandn together we will work on the right strategy for your webshop!


Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.