Tomahawk Blog

Everything you need to know about business blogging (including 23 do's and dont's!)

Are you already doing business blogging? Many businesses don't and blame it on not enough time, not enough experience or a lack of inspiration. But business blogging increases your conversion rate in the long run. Reason enough to start one. I explain what blogging can do for your online businessandn give you 23 do'anden don'ts of business blogging.

Business blogging

A blog is an online medium about a specific topic that you share with your target audience. You share stories with your readers to which they can then post a comment. The purpose of a blog is to inform, inspire or entertain your reader, but on a business level you can achieve much more with blog writing. In fact, it is increasingly an important part of the online marketing mix.

Why business blogging?

The main purpose of blogging is to ensure customer loyalty. Writing for your target audience is an attractive way to build customer loyalty. In the long run, this can lead to additional sales. In addition, you work on the growth of your brand awareness and you become better findable in search engines. With business blogging you can, among other things:

  • Ensure better customer relations;
  • Show that you have in-house knowledge and work with specialists with whom you create authority;
  • Provide transparency that increases your credibility and gives a face to your organization;
  • Becoming better findable in search engines;
  • Differentiate yourself from your competitors;
  • Appeal to a wider audience by making your blog shareable on social media;
  • Gain insight into your customer's behavior by paying attention to reactions.

The do's and don'ts of business blogging

Creating a blog is not something you just do; there is a thorough plan behind it. Whenever you write a blog post, you need to ask yourself a number of questions. For example, do you know what you want to write about? And what do your visitors want to read? Writing on one topic makes it more manageable, for yourselfandn for your reader. Think about the following things:

Great, the first start has been made. You've brainstormed and know what you want to write about. Now it's time to start creating your blog, but there are a few things to keep in mind. For example, choose a title that ranks high in Googleandn at the same time appeals to your readeranden preferably also covers the scope of your blog. In addition, make sure you choose the right tone of voiand en a good structure. You can read the points of attention below.

Your first blog post is online, but that doesn't mean you're done. Of course, you also want your blog to actually be read. One way to attract more visitors is to share your blog via social media. Through likes and shares that you achieve on Facebook, for example, you can expand your target audience.

Also starting a blog?

Are you convinced that a blog can also help your organization but would prefer some help with this? Tomahawk's content creators will tell you more about how best to go about this and will write your blogs if you wish. Contact us so we can talk about your needsandn expectations.


Working together?

I'm Roel, founder of Tomahawk. I am happy to help you from our office in Nijmegen.